Friday, October 4, 2013

Ultrasound Photographs

With my singleton, an unfussy 38 week long pregnancy, I had three ultrasounds the entire time. The first being to date the pregnancy and detect a heartbeat, the second was the anatomy scan, and the third one my doctor ordered to observe his weight.

Now with the twins, I have had approximately 20 ultrasounds in my 25 weeks. I have watched them grow week to week, some weeks even day to day (one time I had 4 ultrasounds in a single week!). It has been fascinating to see how fast they progress.

The only downside to very frequent ultrasounds, is that potential problems can be noted--only because it is so early or something has not quite developed; things that you would see in a normal singleton pregnancy too, if you were checking in as often. The majority of these issues mend themselves and are no longer a problem by the next time you see them. They are noted as soft or hard markers, depending on how the technician interprets it. An example would be a hard marker for down syndrome, that could be completely absent 2 weeks later. So far, I haven't had these kind of scares really, but I am reminded that it's a normal thing to experience with such close observation. (Hey, stress, can we break up already? I'm so over you.)

Now that I am further along, all the organs and what not are all in place & the girls look the way they will when they are born. They are in there just maturing and packing on some weight. The printouts that I get from the visits now are generally just one baby in each shot; a face of one baby featuring a cameo appearance of a foot or two of the other baby.

However, the early scans when they were still looking like misshapen clay alien babies, you could really see and understand exactly how they are mono-mono.
Spooning during the 9 week scan:

Playing patty-cake at the 11 week scan:

Smell my feet, treat or trick at the 17 week scan:

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