Monday, October 21, 2013

Sheilla is...Not a Punk Rocker.

Sheilla is not a punk rocker. But she is my favorite nurse here. She completely understands my girls' personalities and it makes being monitored so much easier and faster. When I see that she's my night nurse I am so happy because I know the NST will be over with in about 30 minutes flat. She also doesn't talk just to talk, but she talks enough that's it's not awkward. She is the only one that says they are active and doesn't mean it in a complaining and annoyed way...too many of them act like it's a bad thing that they're active. She told me tonight "It's a good thing that they're moving, I don't care if I have to stay here the whole time with my hand on one of the monitors." Because she gets it, and Baby A does NOT like to be tied down by the belts. She kicks and punches it off, but because Sheilla is awesome, she sits with me and holds it just over that baby so as to not upset her.

The past couple days were a little stressful because, well, they can't all be Sheilla. I have definitely been brought to tears a few times in the past few days. Going by other people's routine that they have set for you can be really exhausting when you are used to doing things 100 % your own way. They make me get up at 5 am to check my vitals, then 3 different people will come in at different times all before 7 am to say something to me about my day and to check my belly (for tautness?) and feet (for swelling). Then a team of doctors come in essence...chitchat, but they do it in case I have questions first thing in the morning. That part is good because they are all high risk specialists, but still. Then breakfast...when it comes. Then an ultrasound. Then the NST. (both when they are ready for me). Then I try to get on with my day, but they have to check my vitals every other hour, as well as people who come into clean, get me ice water or towels, stuff like that. Then at night it starts all over again with my pm NST. On top of it I just feel really fragile in general. But the twins are doing really well which makes me so proud, and I would all of this x infinity for them to get here safely.

I don't know what I would do without my dad bringing little Lochlan over & them both hanging out with me every day. The other day he didn't bring him by until like 4:30 and I seriously felt one foot in the grave of death from boredom. My son is definitely my sidekick and I feel so lonely without him! Sometimes he can be a bit of a handful in my room here but I mean, my bed has like 80 buttons on it so I can't really blame him, he IS a baby. :)

I guess this was kind of a sad pity party post but I want to share pictures of my happy moments this weekend because they did happen :)

Let alone...discovering a Chipotle one block up from the hospital!!! Hehe.
Oh and this is Lochlan's new game...Mess With The Curtains....It kind of makes me cringe wondering if they've ever been laundered but he's so stinkin' cute playing hide and seek:


  1. I just want to say "ugh I know exactly what you mean" to everything. Having to be on everyone else's schedule is the most frustrating thing in the world. You can't even go to the bathroom without someone bothering you. Hopefully you will have a day time nurse who you feel the same about. I was up from 3-7am this morning because of monitoring and ultrasounds. Who schedules an ultrasound at 530am?? I am here allll day people. Your baby boy is the cutest little guy!! They always tell me "hang in there" as if we have a choice. Hope your days get easier. It was a struggle for me for the first month until they set my date, many tears, but all worth keeping our girls safe. I am in panic mode now anxious to see how they are health wise when they are born. Take care.

    1. PS: your baby A sounds like my baby B. I get so defensive when nurses get frustrated from her trying to escape their probing. She has the hiccups now as I am on the monitors. Always something haha

    2. Too funny Brit, my A had hiccups last night too, the whole NST. Its so true, you really can't go into the bathroom without someone coming into the room...but you better get used to that because before you know it those girls will be home with you! Don't panic, you're going to be a great mommy! Side note, reading about how you miss your dogs...why don't they have therapy animals visit long term patients, regardless of why they're inpatient?? My husband thinks I'm a loon for wanting a therapy dog to come visit me because I "don't have a disease, just pregnant"...pssh. *sigh*

  2. Mmmmmm Chipotle! Haha, can you tell I'm a pregnant chick about an hour away from lunch?? You and your dad look so much alike, adorable! And yay for Sheila! I wish they could all be like her. And fun game Loch!! :)

  3. Hehe you can't go wrong with Chipotle :)
