Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Inhale Radiance, Exhale Vitality"

...Is one of the nuggets of guided wisdom I just had whispered to me. Massage therapy comes a-knocking on my door once a week, and I am all about it. I reek of the eucalyptus-peppermint oil I chose from the selection she so gently introduced to me, ah. She offers hand treatments, neck, back, scalp massage & mini-facials. I will now look forward to Wednesdays.
Happy, happy, happy.
This morning my NST took a bit of time, but the nurse was able to get a good session without an ultrasound machine. Apparently tidying up my room & then taking a hot shower calmed them down enough to be traced on the monitor. I will have my nightly one in about an hour I'm guessing. They are kind of night owls so I bet we'll need to call a doctor down with the ultrasound machine to help trace them.
This must be how Katie Holmes felt when Tom Cruise bought her an ultrasound machine and made her use it every day. Haha! Yup. Just like Katie Holmes, guys.


  1. You look so great! And refreshed! :) That is great that they offer massages there!

    1. Thank you! I wish they did it every day but I will settle for once a week hehe :)

  2. Wow, between the garden, you being able to walk free, & massages I am most envious of your hospital! It took almost a month and a mental breakdown for me to get wheelchair privilege haha. Warm showers before monitoring also helps my ninja babies :) that's so great your family is so close to you, what a relief. Hang in there!

    1. They are so weird about walking free, when I am not on the monitors I can walk downstairs and a little outside (with an escort, usually it's my dad) but if I need to go up 7 flights to get an in-depth ultrasound, they make me go in a wheelchair. Besides the leg cuffs, they are talking about blood thinners 2x a day to prevent blood clots. I'm like...maybe if you let me walk down the hall...haha! Thanks Brit :)

  3. That is so wonderful! I love that they give massages! Enjoy the peace...

    1. Thank you, I'm trying to see it as the calm before the storm of newborn days... Nights are lonely but cry-free so I will rest now while I can. Now if only they'd stop checking my blood pressure and temperature every hour maybe I could sleep hehe.
