Tuesday, November 19, 2013

many thanks

I want to say thank you to everyone who is following my blog and has been writing me personal messages about my last post. It was definitely scary but the girls are looking great.

We recently purchased as well as received gifts of pretty much everything under the sun for the girls. Our tiny New York apartment is swimming in so many boxes of baby furniture and bags upon bags of baby clothing. It is so strange to go from having only a girly quilt we got them in Chinatown the weekend before I was admitted to the hospital, to having so much clothing there is no way they could possibly get around to wearing it all.

The girls will be here next week. I am so nervous and keep asking myself, am I making the right choice? (Bringing them into the world as early as the doctors will allow without it being a technical emergency). My inpatient stay is so close to just being a blurred memory already. It's hard to believe I've been here for so many weeks. I hope their NICU stay will fly by the same. Smoothly.

They will be here Thanksgivng or the day after. I find out tomorrow morning.

They have clothes, furniture, names, and so much love waiting for them here on the outside...I just can't wait.


  1. Hey there! I have been thinking about you and I just sort of skimmed through your last couple of posts. You must be exhausted from all of this stress. Once your girls are here, all of this hospital nonsense will feel like a distant memory and I never thought I'd say that but it's so true.
    Our girls came home after about a week and a half in the NICU. What an emotional roller coaster. We delivered at 34w1d and their cords were braided so tightly and wrapped around my baby b's neck. I'll never forget hearing everyone's reaction in the OR. I just want you to know you have been in my thoughts and prayers and I pray your girls hang in there for you and have a safe delivery. The NICU was also stressful but it's nice to know someone is always watching over the girls.
    We had apnea issues and feeding tubes along with photo therapy for their jaundice. We are still struggling with getting them to eat a lot at home. It's exhausting for us and the girls but they are doing well and they will be 4 weeks old on Friday. Time flies! Enjoy your last week with your son and I'll be praying for a safe delivery and a quick recovery for you.
    Take care - Brittany.

  2. BRITTANY!!! I am so excited to hear from you! I cannot tell you how many times I checked in on your blog the past several weeks waiting for a birth or nicu update. I am so glad to hear they are already home and just working on their feedings. I am amazed about it being around one of their necks, oh that makes me so nervous. My son's cord was tightly around his neck twice when he was born...very scary...I guess all my babies just have to scare the crap out of me with their cords...*sigh*. I'm moving up to L & D on Thanksgiving and will deliver sometime between then and Saturday. Praying that your girlies continue to do well at home and that you are having a speedy recovery! Thank you updating me I was getting worried. :)
