Saturday, November 9, 2013

29+ weeks and counting!

Now THIS is a happy sight! I walked out of my room and saw a precious newborn "bed" that is used for the hospital nursery as well as when the baby is rooming-in with you at the hospital. Sadly, this isn't an option for me this go round just because they will need to be in the NICU...but nevertheless, it got me excited!
This is my bump today! 29.5 weeks!
This week my mother-in-law took our son to Cape Cod to spend time with her & that side of the family. She is a real estate agent there right in Chatham, and her office is like a little house. She has been taking him there with her daily & putting him to work, haha! These pictures crack me up! It really looks like he is doing the chores. What a good boy.

Okay, enough pictures for this post... If you read my last post about my first scare here, in the past 4 days since I put it up, I have learned a lot more about my monitoring. What's normal, what's not, exactly what they are looking for and for how long they want to see it happen, reasons to keep me on longer, all that. A lot is out of my control so it is really nice to at least have a good understanding of everything.
If my girls are very active, which is more often than not, we have to try to calm them down. If they are asleep, we have to try to wake them up. When they sleep, they don't have big accels or decels--which is what they need for the NST. Can't win, haha!
My babies are looking great though, and we should be scheduling my c section soon YAY.

18 days, 10 hours left...!!! Give or take :)



  1. Your bump is adorable! 29 weeks, so exciting!! Getting SO CLOSE! :)

  2. Thank you! I need to see a new bump picture of yours!!
